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Meade Starfinder 16" 
- Optical Design: Newtonian Reflector
- Clear Aperture: 406mm (16")
- Focal Length: 1830mm f/4.5

- Mirror: Grade-A Pyrex glass, fine annealed
- Standard aluminum Coatings 
- 2" focuser

Meade LX200 GPS 14" UTHC
- Optical Design: Schmidt-Cassegrain
- Clear Aperture: 356mm (14")
- Focal Length: 3556mm f/10 
- Ultra-High Transmission Coatings (UTHC) 
- 2" Crayford focuser

Orion Optics UK  CT 12"  Newtonian Astrograph
- Optical Design: Newtonian
- Clear Aperture: 300mm (12")
- Focal Length: 1200mm f/4

- Tube: Carbon fiber 

- Mirror: Ultra Grade 1/10PV wavefront
- Enhanced Hilux Coatings 
- 2" Crayford focuser

Vixen R200SS 8" 
- Optical Design: Newtonian Reflector
- Clear Aperture: 200mm (8")
- Focal Length: 800mm F/4

- Mirror: Multi-coated
- 2" focuser

LX200 Heavy-duty fork mount
- Custom pier ( 
- Meade Super Wedge 
- RA and Dec. Control Systems both axes: DC servo motor 5.75" LX worm gear with Smart Drive Software.
- GPS Alignment: 16-channel GPS receiver (electronic sensors for true-level and North, with magnetic declination compensation)
- GO-TO Pointing Precision (approx.) 2-arc mins. (1-arc min. in HP-mode)
- Tracking Accuracy: Guided, approx. 3" (Peak to Peak Error in Arc-Seconds)
The Mount has been Upgraded with High-precision Gears by Peterson Engineering U.S.A. (Improving PEC and reduces the mechanical backlash) 

Losmandy G11 

- Losmandy Gemini Computer Controlled "Go-to" System
- RA and Dec. 5.625” diameter, 7075 aluminum worm gear, 360 tooth
- Variable slip clutch, both axes. One knob per axis design.
- Tracking Accuracy: Guided, approx. 0.9" (Peak to Peak Error in Arc-Seconds)

Skywacher EQ6 

- SynScan "Go-to" System
- RA and Dec. 1.8° stepper motors 
- Variable slip clutch, both axes. One knob per axis design.
- Tracking Accuracy: Guided, approx. 1.5" (Peak to Peak Error in Arc-Seconds)

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